Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Changing the name to "Owl Blog" - not really!!

We had an art class last week for the 4 year olds and we made owls ( I know, seriously, but we always do owls in October- I promise we are making angels next week - wait and see!! ).
We used an assembly line to choose the different elements of our "assemblage" art. Fancy word for gluing things together to make some art. It's fun and each one is a reflection of the artists' personality. Just look.

 Everyone chose a 5 x 7 Dick Blick canvas and we used clothespins for feet. That's about where the similarity ends. We had multiple color choices for our owl body, wings, eyes and beaks. After we chose all the "parts' we started gluing our owls together. This is where the "personality" truly shows up.
This owl won't be sitting around on a tree branch - he's ready to swoop down from the tree!!

Fun foam wings and beaks, recycled bottle caps and google eyes, a scrap of shelf liner, clothespins, and you've got yourself an owl. With personality!
I love these two side by side. The owl on the left makes me think of Picasso!! The one on the right is so perfectly symmetrical :) I promise we did not use rulers in this activity. They are so reflective of the artists' personality!

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